Best Girlfriends

Best Girlfriends

They might not have a cock between them, but believe us when we say that that doesn't stop this bunch of horny sluts from having the time of their sex-lives both under and out of the quilt! Indeed, these juicy little slags really cant get enough of each others tits, clits and slits; fingering and tonguing to their gasping delight. Tawny Tyler, Tanya Tate and Lex Chevelle lead this all-star, all-horny cast, who collectively just cant get enough hot pussy to satisfy; leaving you to unzip and show your lesbo appreciation in time honoured fashion. No doubt about it, by the time these gorgeous sweethearts have gyrated and ground their way to an all-girl climax, you're gonna be well and truly spent several times over!


Stars: , , , , ,




Studio: Pussy Babes

Runtime: 126 minutes

Quality: HD

Released: Nov 19, 2020

IMDb: 10
