American Detective

American Detective

American Detective is a police documentary television series broadcast by ABC in the United States from 1991 to 1993. American Detective features detectives in major U.S. urban areas working on high-profile criminal cases which were often drug-related. The program often allows glimpses into the personal lives of the detectives. During the latter part of the program's run, Lieutenant John Bunnell of the Multnomah County, Oregon Sheriff's Department, who had been featured in a number of the program's earlier shows, served in the role of host, even taking the viewers on a trip to Russia to look at his counterparts there in February 1993.




Country: US

Studio: ABC

Runtime: 30:14 minutes

Quality: HD

First air date: Jan 01, 1970

Last air date: Jan 01, 1970

Episode: 0 Episode

Season: 0 Season

IMDb: 10
